Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Life. It flies.

How am I already at the point of returning back to work? How is my Keegie 12 weeks? How is my John 21 months?
What a ride. My boys are doing great. Headed back to Modgie's yesterday as I headed back to work. Leaving was a bear, but I know they are in the best hands possible.

When I think back to the past 12 weeks, all I think of is sweet chaos. I mean that in the best way possible. Most of the time was a blur. In fact, September basically feels like it never existed. I have "pinned" so many fall crafty things to do and keep thinking that once its fall I can get around to doing them. Well, guess's the 10th of October.

Keegan is thriving, at his 2 month check up he was in the 98 percentile for his height and 75th in weight. He had a couple weeks of colic, but has really come around and is seriously the sweetest little guy ever. His smile is heart melting. His entire face lights up when he smiles. John has been a rockstar. God really knew what he was doing by blessing us with John first. He is beyond sweet and just so good. I can leave him downstairs for a second and run up and feed or tend to Keegie and he does just fine. I am so proud of John. He is now wanting to help us out with things around the house. I love having him make his own "decisions", it makes me so proud and I know he is proud too. He seems to have grown up over night. Yesterday, I was laying down and he kissed my head about 7 times just becuase and totally unprompted. He melts me. John's vocabulary has been exploding the last few weeks - he is putting together 2-3 words into sentences. Literally overnight that happened.

I am having a blast with these 2 kids. They have completed me in ways I never knew was possible. They make me so incredibly happy and I am beyond proud to be their mother. What a complete blessing they are.

Two under two

How does one put into words the love you feel for your children? I have two. Two under two. One who is fresh and the other is 19 months. How is it that I have been blessed with two healthy boys? I still sit in awe at how far my 19 month old has come and how smart and insanely sweet he is. Did my body really bring two children into this world?

John. My love. This child has forever changed me and opened my eyes up to a whole new and incredlbe world. One where I have learned patience and I have learned to slow down and really savior the moments. The big, the small, the hectic, the just be moments. He has softened my heart. I can't not even get over how sweet my John is and how loving and smart and silly this child is. He is wise beyond his 19 months, as my mom says he is "scary smart" and I couldn't agree more. He turns me into a puddle of mush, I cry when he leaves to go somewhere without me (HELLO hormones!!!). The 19 months since he has joined our family has been filled with laughter.